表演嘉賓名單 Performers List 2025 – 文化藝術組

表演嘉賓名單 Performers List 2025

Rebel Bit (Italy 意大利)

Rebel Bit is an innovative team of musicians, creating a soundscape combining vocal music and electronic experimentation. Their sound shows influences from classical to modern and contemporary music, with an eye to electronic innovation. Characteristic vocal effects such as loops, instrument simulation, and electronic processing set them apart from other European groups. Their Album PAPER FLIGHTS (2018) had five nominations at the Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards (CARA) and five A Cappella Video Awards. Their second record COME (2021) received two CARA awards as "Best electronic / experimental album" and "Best professional arrangement". They have performed at festivals worldwide, including Los Angeles A Cappella Festival, vokal.total, Moscow Spring Festival, Vocalmente, Solevoci Festival, VivaVoce Festival, Levante A Cappella Festival, and Correvoce Festival. In 2023, they became the Artistic Directors of Vocalmente A Cappella Festival.

Rebel Bit是一支創新的音樂團隊,致力於融合人聲音樂和電子實驗,創造獨特的「聲音景觀」。他們的音樂風格受古典到當代音樂影響,並注重電子創新。通過獨特的人聲效果,如循環、樂器模擬和電子處理,使他們在歐洲團體中脫穎而出。他們的專輯《PAPER FLIGHTS》(2018)獲得了五項當代無伴奏合唱錄音獎(CARA)提名和五項無伴奏合唱視頻獎,而他們的第二張專輯《COME》(2021)則獲得了兩項CARA獎,分別是「最佳電子/實驗專輯」和「最佳專業編曲」。他們的足跡遍布全球,包括洛杉磯無伴奏合唱節、vokal.total、莫斯科春季音樂節、Vocalmente、Solevoci音樂節、VivaVoce音樂節、Levante音樂節和Correvoce音樂節。2023年,他們還成為了Vocalmente音樂節的藝術總監。

The Island Voices (Singapore 新加坡)

Brimming with energy and exuberance, The Island Voices is an award winning vocal ensemble that embodies the spirit of Singapore. Bursting onto the music scene just 3 years ago, this remarkable group has already graced the prestigious Singapore National Day Parade in both 2022 and 2023. The band most recently represented Singapore in the 2024 vokal.total A Cappella competition where they competed against international groups from the UK, Germany and came in 2nd place! They previously also received the Gold Medal First Runners-up award when they took part in the Taiwan International Vocal Festival World Contemporary A Cappella Competition in 2023. Founded in Singapore, made for the world.

氣勢如虹、活力四射。The Island Voices(島嶼之聲)是一支屢獲殊榮的人聲樂團,完美詮釋新加坡的音樂精神。這支矚目的樂團雖然成立僅三年,卻已在2022及2023年連續兩屆國慶日大遊行中大放異彩。樂團最近代表新加坡參加了2024年vokal.total無伴奏合唱大賽,與來自英國、德國的國際團隊競爭,並獲得第二名。他們此前還在2023年台灣國際重唱藝術節世界盃現代阿卡貝拉大賽中勇奪金牌第二名,為新加坡爭光。源自獅城,放眼世界。

Tufts Beelzebubs (USA 美國)

Tufts Beelzebubs, a premier collegiate a cappella group from Tufts University, located in Medford, Massachusetts, have built a legacy of spreading "Fun Through Song". Affectionately known as the Bubs, the group was founded in 1962 and has been at the forefront of contemporary a cappella ever since. As pioneers, the Bubs have released numerous acclaimed albums, lastly being their 33rd studio album, "Delirium", which was released this past October. Aside from their album productions, the Bubs have also contributed to a variety of popular projects, including being the voices of the Warblers on hit TV series "Glee", and were also runners up on the second season of NBC's hit show, "The Sing Off". With over 6 decades of tradition and innovation, the Bubs continue to push the envelope of mainstream a cappella.

來自美國麻省塔夫茨大學的頂級大學無伴奏合唱團Tufts Beelzebubs,以「用音樂傳播歡樂」為己任。樂迷暱稱他們為「Bubs」。這支成立於1962年的傳奇樂團,一直是當代無伴奏音樂的先驅。作為業界翹楚,樂團已推出逾33張錄音室專輯,最新的一張《Delirium》於去年十月面世。除了專輯製作,樂團更曾參與多個矚目的流行文化項目,包括在熱門電視劇《Glee》中擔任Warblers組合,並在NBC選秀節目《The Sing Off》第二季中榮膺亞軍。經過六十多年的傳統與創新,Tufts Beelzebubs持續引領無伴奏音樂的發展。

Tunatics (HK 香港)

Tunatics A Cappella, formed in 2015 at HKUST, is a vibrant ensemble of "Lunatics" who live and breathe music. The name, a blend of "Tune" and "Lunatics", reflects our passionate commitment to creating unforgettable musical experiences through a diverse repertoire that includes pop, classical, and original compositions. Their competitive achievements speak for themselves. They have earned numerous accolades, such as the Gold Award at the 2018 Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macau Art Exhibition, championships at the Mainland, Hong Kong, and Macau College A Cappella Competitions in 2016, 2020, and 2021, and the title at the 2022 Hong Kong – Macau Collegiate A Cappella Competition. More recently, after finishing as first runner-up at the Hong Kong A Cappella Contest in 2023, we went on to achieve International Champion, Hong Kong Champion, Best Harmony, and Best Presentation awards in the Open Division in 2024.

來自香港科技大學的吞拿魚清唱團(Tunatics),成立於2015年,是一群熱愛音樂的「Lunatics」,其團名融合了 「Tune」 與 「Lunatics」,象徵對音樂的無比熱情與執著。他們曲目橫跨流行、古典及原創作品,充分展現成員多元的背景與獨特的音樂影響力。他們曾於2018年榮獲廣東—港澳藝術展覽金獎,在2016、2020及2021年的粵港澳大專無伴奏合唱比賽中奪冠,2022年更摘得港澳大專無伴奏合唱冠軍。近期更在2023香港無伴奏合唱比賽中奪得亞軍,並於2024年成功獲得國際組冠軍、香港組冠軍、最佳和聲與最佳舞台效果獎等多項榮譽。

更多本地表演嘉賓 More Local Performers

AMuiXis (AMX) (Community Tour 29/3)

AMuiXis (AMX)為本地無伴奏合唱組合,積極重新演繹不同流行曲,在2023起更推出原創歌曲《枯花》,希望以純人聲為大家帶來不一樣的音樂。

AMX曾與多位本地音樂人合作,包括RubberBand、岑寧兒、吳林峰等,亦有幸參與《Ciao》紅館演唱會及於2021《Chill Club推介榜年度推介頒獎典禮》中作表演嘉賓。

將a cappella帶進社區,與大家分享音樂,是AMX (A cappella Music Mix)的名字由來。AMX成立以來先後參演本地紀錄片《天水圍唱》,並於賽馬會《耆樂唱一鋪》、《RESTpiration》音樂會等不同表演中擔任嘉賓,推廣無伴奏合唱音樂。

AMuiXis (AMX) is a local a cappella ensemble dedicated to reimagining popular songs through unique vocal arrangements. In 2023, they released their original song "Withered," aiming to bring a fresh perspective to music through pure vocal harmonies.

AMX has collaborated with numerous local musicians, including RubberBand, Yoyo Sham, and Ng Lam Fung. They were invited to perform at the "Ciao" concert at the Hong Kong Coliseum and appeared as guest performers at the Chill Club Chart Award Presentation in 2021.

The group's name, AMX (A cappella Music Mix), reflects their mission to bring a cappella music into the community and share their passion with the public. Since their formation, they have been featured in the local documentary "Tin Shui Wai Sing" and performed as guest artists in various events, including the Jockey Club Yat Po "Happy A-ge-cappella" Project and the "RESTpiration" concert, promoting a cappella music to diverse audiences.

Ani-Singers (Marathon 6/4)


The members of Ani-Singers were gathered in 2020 to experiment with ani-songs in A Cappella form. They re-arranged songs from animations and games in a new manner to bring ACG-Lovers a refreshing taste. Ani-Singers are going to share your favourite tunes in both Cantonese and Japanese.x

Aoide Acapella (Marathon 6/4)

Aoide Acapella於基督書院創辦10年有餘,隨著時間匯聚許多喜愛唱歌的學生,希望以「Aoide」拉丁文的寓意「不變的初心」,繼續推動團隊喜愛唱歌的精神,向大家傳遞音樂的美。

Aoide Acapella has been founded in Christ Academy for more than 10 years. Over time, it has gathered many students who love singing, hoping to continue to promote the team's spirit of loving singing and convey the beauty of music to everyone with the Latin meaning of "Aoide" "unchanging original intention".

Backup Singers  (Marathon 6/4)

Backup Singers (BS)是2015年成立的香港人聲樂團,由一群熱愛音樂的青年組成。盼以無伴奏合唱為媒介,通過音樂成為彼此的Backup。
自成立以來,BS積極參與各類型演出,喜歡演唱和嘗試不同曲風種類的歌曲,由小朋友的Baby Shark 到外語系的BTS 韓團歌都有所涉獵。今年更加是Backup Singers 成立十週年,將會在今年舉行十週年音樂會,大家敬請期待。

Backup Singers (BS) is a Hong Kong-based a cappella group founded in 2015, formed by a group of music-loving youths. They aspire to use a cappella as a medium to become each other's "backup" through music.

Since its establishment, BS has actively participated in various types of performances, enjoying singing and experimenting with different genres of songs, ranging from children's tunes like Baby Shark to foreign-language hits like songs by the Korean group BTS. This year marks the 10th anniversary of Backup Singers, and they will be holding a special anniversary concert. Stay tuned for more updates!

Boonfaysau 半肥瘦  (Gala 30/3)


自2017年成立起,半肥瘦屢獲殊榮,多次奪得本地及海外無伴奏合唱大奬,包括2018 Vocal Asia總冠軍、評審特別獎——最佳節奏組,並數次獲邀於國外演出。

2024年舉辦首個專場音樂會《Home-coming》,四場爆滿;同年主辦純人聲音樂劇場《彼得與狼》。組合亦參與《拉闊音樂會軟硬廣播道3號Fans殺人事件》及《自由爵士音樂節:RubberBand x 雷柏熹爵士大樂團》等本地音樂製作。

Boonfaysau “BFS”, is an award-winning, fully fledged 8-voice vocal band from Hong Kong.

Literally named “half fat and half lean” after the beloved choice of cut for Hong Kong barbecued pork, the band strives to reimagine your favourite songs with original a cappella arrangements and human voices, and to bring performances as enjoyable as “boonfaysau” cha-siu.

Since its inception in 2017, Boonfaysau has received various local and overseas major acclaims, including the Championship, Special Award: Best Rhythm Section and VoiceJam Award in 2018 Vocal Asia. What’s more, Boonfaysau has been enthusiastic in bringing their sound to various audience - not only has they been invited to tour overseas, the band also embarked on the community art project "Shape of Harmony", bringing a cappella experience to the local community.

The band is active in the local music scene. In 2024, Boonfaysau held their first solo concert "Home-coming", welcomed by 4 full-house and positive critics. In the same year, the band presented the musical “Peter and the Wolf”, exploring pure-a cappella in Cantonese musicals. The band also had the honor to participate in major music productions such as “Music is Live Softhard No.3 Broadcast Drive Fans Club Gathering” and “Freespace Jazz Fest: RubberBand x Patrick Lui Jazz Orchestra”.

ERA 保良局董玉娣中學  (Marathon 6/4)


Po Leung Kuk Tang Yuk Tien College A Cappella Team ERA was established in 2021, formed by a group of music enthusiasts and a cappella lovers. Since its formation, ERA has actively participated in inter-school competitions. They won the Gold Award in the Vocal Ensemble group in the Joint School Music Competition in 2022 and 2024. Besides, the group also reached the finals of the ‘Hong Kong International A Cappella Contest 2024’ hosted by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, where they received the Best Arrangement Award in the School Division: Vocal Band. In 2024, ERA was selected as one of the student teams in the “SOUND ON” A Cappella Project, culminating in a performance alongside local a cappella group VSing and renowned Singaporean a cappella group MICappella in the project-end concert. Furthermore, ERA is dedicated to sharing music within their school community through various performances, including the annual Clubs and Teams Exhibition, Information Day for P.6 Parents, Christmas Celebration Variety Show, and the end-of-term Music Contest, all aimed at promoting a cappella music.

HSUHK 香港恒生大學無伴奏合唱團  (Marathon 6/4)


HSUHK A Cappella Group was established in 2017/18, aiming to gather the singing talents in the University.

HSUHK A Cappella Group gave their performance in University events such as the SU Annual Dinner and the Student Orientation Day. In the meantime, members are invited to lead the College Anthem and to give individual performance in University events such as the HSUHK Chinese New Year Staff Party and the HSUHK Founders’ Day. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with community partners for performance and promotion of A Cappella in Hong Kong.

Jazz Up  (Marathon 6/4)

Jazz Up是一個由大學生組成的聲樂爵士樂合唱團,專注於無伴奏音樂,致力於展現出團員的多樣性。演唱的歌曲包括流行、搖滾和本地音樂在內的多種風格。亦希望藉此為觀眾帶來創新和活力的表演。

Jazz Up is Vocal Jazz Ensemble embodies an innovative and vivacious spirit, formed by a group of university students. Specialising in a capella jazz music, Jazz Up showcases versatility by performing a diverse range of genres, including pop, rock, and local music.

The Kickvoxers (Marathon 6/4)

The Kickvoxers 為一隊熱愛各類音樂的音樂人組成。受聲樂導師陳傑龍邀請,Kickvoxers 於2024年組隊,並且積極以合唱形式唱出流行、爵士、節奏藍調、Citypop等等音樂類型。Kickvoxers 的隊員各有不同的音樂背景,包括作曲人、編曲人、聲樂老師、演唱者等等。

The Kickvoxers is a vocal band formed by Hong Kong vocal coach Guddy Chan. By bringing interesting voices who have vibrant solo singing backgrounds and song-writing experience together, Kickvoxers has been striving for ensemble excellence since 2024. Our members love a variety of music genres, such as citypop, jazz, R&B and pop.

Lacov EdUHK (Marathon 6/4)

Lacov EdUHK是香港教育大學的爵士聲樂樂團,致力於推廣創新和活潑的精神,正如其名稱“Lacov”源自“Vocal”倒寫。

Lacov EdUHK, the Vocal Jazz Ensemble of The Education University of Hong Kong, embodies an innovative and vivacious spirit, as reflected in its name "Lacov," derived from "Vocal" spelled backwards.
Specializing in acapella jazz music, Lacov showcases versatility by performing a diverse range of genres, including pop, rock, and local music.
Lacov’s members are known for their creativity, personality, enthusiasm, and musicianship. Dedicated to the promotion of jazz music, Lacov is committed to enchanting audiences of all ages with a rich tapestry of musical experiences.

Little by little Kids (Community Tour 29/3)

Little by little Kids由SENZA A Cappella成員Miri創立,並聯同人聲敲擊手Heartgrey共同教授。成員包括6位年齡介乎8至10歲的小學生,分別是Claire、Cherry、Horace、Rayen、Sharlotte和Adan。

團隊曾參與演出:香港流行文化節2024 —《三俠四義》音樂會、香港國際無伴奏合唱節2024、《一小節人生》(All in One版本)歌曲錄音及MV拍攝等,亦曾到麥花臣場館、香港迪士尼樂園、大館演出。


Mosaic (Gala 30/3, Marathon 6/4)

Mosaic是香港大學首個無伴奏合唱組合,成立於2006年,由不同學系、年級的學生組成。Mosaic 的名稱是借馬賽克藝術中由一塊塊不同顏色﹑形狀的圖案所拼合的美麗圖案﹐寓意每位成員的獨特天賦﹐融合成既豐富和諧又充滿活力的音樂。

Mosaic is the premier A Cappella group based in The University of Hong Kong and comprises students from different faculties and years of studies. The name “Mosaic” was chosen to capture the very nature of the group – coming from different backgrounds, Mosaicians bring our individual uniqueness into harmonized pieces of lively, spirited music.
Established in 2006, Mosaic is the first collegiate A Cappella group in HK to organise large-scale concerts and it has been their highlight event of the year. We are proud of our Concerts, not only because we consistently give full-house performances, but more so of the dedication from every single one of our members, who contribute in all aspects of preparatory work to set this Concert up from scratch – from song arrangements, script-writing, publication designs to administrative and logistic duties.
Mosaic is dedicated to the promotion of A Cappella music through various performing opportunities on and off campus. Mosaic is also an active participant in A Cappella competitions. Recently, they have won the championship in the collegiate category at the 2024 Hong Kong and Macau Collegiate A Cappella Competition.

NY Acappella (Marathon 6/4)

NY Acappella是五育中學的無伴奏合唱團,成立於2011年,曾於「會德豐聖誕晚宴」、「Project We Can趁墟做老闆聯校展銷攤位」等場合演出。我校同學大多於中學階段才正式開始無伴奏合唱,集合不同年級熱愛唱歌的學生,致力凝造熱愛音樂、投入歌唱演出的校園氣氛。

Oxygen 救恩書院 (Marathon 6/4)

參與同學不但接受無伴奏音樂及舞台表演技巧訓練,也曾經於下列校外不同場合表演:如《青新搞作》、《大埔青年藝術節》、《大埔區教育滙展》、《富善中秋及新春嘉年華》、《香港國際無伴奏合唱節馬拉松音樂會》等等。A Cappella 隊同時亦十分踴躍參與每年由香港青年協會舉辦之《香港國際無伴奏合唱比賽》,同時亦曾經獲頒「金獎」。

SENZA A Cappella (Gala 30/3)

SENZA A Cappella(SENZA)自2009年致力推廣無伴奏合唱,於YouTube頻道的點擊人數超過850萬,每年一度大製作《年度香港音樂組曲》更廣受好評。

組合具豐富大型演出及製作經驗,例如香港電影金像獎、Chill Club頒獎禮、叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮等;亦曾與不少歌手合作,如謝安琪、張敬軒、柳應廷等。

2020年,SENZA憑兩首上榜歌〈我一伸手抱住我〉和〈限時動態〉成為香港首隊入圍叱咤歌曲獎及《我最喜愛組合》獎項的人聲樂團。 2021年推出首張專輯《Circle of Fifths》; 2024年於麥花臣場館舉辦出道後第二個音樂會,同時發佈第二張實體大碟《無》。

SENZA, formed in 2009, is a Hong Kong-based pop music group distinguished by their a cappella style and daring experiments with elements of R&B, Rock, Latin, Dance and Funk. Consisting of vocalists Calvert Fu, Jax Chow, King Lam, Miri Leung and Peace Lo, SENZA is on the forefront of adapting the a cappella singing tradition to the contemporary pop scene, with original songs which continue to surprise and delight audiences from both worlds.
SENZA first rose to Internet fame with its Cantonpop covers and medleys on YouTube, which have by far gained more than 8.5 million views in total.

As a homegrown music group in Hong Kong, Cantopop elements and nuanced local flavours are the blood running in SENZA’s music. The group released its debut single “Circle of Fifths” in 2018, and later on a full album with the same title in 2020, of which two original songs – ‘It’s Okay to Not Be Okay’ and ‘Disappearing Stories’ – quickly became chart-toppers in town. The critical acclaim of the album saw SENZA become the first ever a cappella group to be nominated across mainstream and independent music awards in Hong Kong (Commercial Radio, BEEHIVE and Freshmusic). ‘Zero’, SENZA’s second album, was released in January 2024.

Apart from making its own music, SENZA is often found in the local pop scene collaborating with iconic artists (including Hins Cheung, Kay Tse, Jan Lamb, Jay Fung, Jer Lau/ Ian Chan from Mirror, G.E.M., Jason Chan, Juno Mak, and C All Star); providing backing vocals for recordings; and performing in concerts (for artists including Alfred Hui, Wilson Ng, Candy Lo and Ronald Cheng) as well as major public events (including The 41st Hong Kong Film Awards, Hong Kong Asian-Pop Music Festival, and The Ultimate Song Chart Awards.)

Set Tone Men (Marathon 6/4)

Set Tone Men係香港全男聲無伴奏合唱組合,鍾意將自己喜歡既歌曲改頭換面。

Set Tone Men is a 5-men a cappella group with their own twist on their favourite tunes.

Sundaes Only (Gala 6/4)

Sundaes Only成立於2024年,是來自香港的無伴奏合唱組合。所有成員也曾在大學時期參與無伴奏合唱活動,累積了在學界、社區和大型活動演出,以及比賽的經驗。取其諧音「Sundays only」,皆因團員在星期日便會化身「靚聲王」,以無伴奏形式表現不同類型的音樂。炎炎夏日,希望我們的音樂能如香濃細滑的新地,讓你享受透心涼的香甜滋味!

Sundaes Only was created in 2024 by a group of A Cappella enthusiasts with a shared history participating in collegiate A Cappella. Having gone through collective intensive training in their university days, they emerged with reliable years of experience in performing together to commercial, academic and community audiences. The name Sundaes Only is a fun, nostalgic reference so as to say we transform into Songbirds on Sunday. Amidst the enticing heat of A Cappella, we hope our music is as rich and velvety as a sundae on a sweet, refreshing weekend!

Trend 天主教郭得勝中學 (Marathon 6/4)


Trend is composed of seven students who love singing, coming from both Form 4 and Form 5. The members include Lean Chan, Jamie Ng, Kacey Tam, Marcus Leung, Louis Ma, Mirko Tse, and Hilary Chow. Trend has been actively participating in various singing competitions and has achieved outstanding results. This year, they won third place and the Outstanding Performance Award in the Secondary School Vocal Band category at the Hong Kong International A Cappella Contest 2024, organized by the HKFYG, which greatly encouraged all members. These achievements not only showcase their musical talents but also reflect their team spirit and passion for music. Trend will continue to work hard and bring more wonderful performances in future shows!

The Decibels (Marathon 6/4)

The Decibels 是一個混合阿卡貝拉合奏團,成立於 Covid-19 全球劇變期間,那些無法參加定期多樣化的珊瑚組合的社交距離歌手決定聚集在一起,開始自己的組合。

The Decibels are a mixed acapella ensemble that was formed during the global upheaval of Covid-19, where socially distanced singers who were not able to attend their regular diverse mix of coral groups decided to come together and start their own.
These friends and neighbours who all share a joy and passion for singing, all live in the Lantau Island village of Discovery Bay, from which the group takes the initials ‘D’ and ‘B’ in its name.
The group has performed in a number of local venues supporting various charities and initiatives within the local community and sing a mix of popular folk, pop and barbershop songs.

The Echoes 皇仁書院 (Marathon 6/4)


Founded in 2012, the Queen's College A Cappella Group is an all-male ensemble consisting of five passionate singers from Queen's College. The group specializes in performing a wide range of music styles, from classical to pop, showcasing the versatility and beauty of pure vocal harmony. This year, the group proudly advanced to the finals of the Hong Kong International a cappella Contest 2024 in the vocal band category, reflecting their exceptional talent and dedication to music. Through continuous rehearsals and performances, the group aims to share the power of music and deliver the captivating charm of unaccompanied singing to their audiences.

UPBEAT 東華三院越齡 (Marathon 6/4)


TWGHs Engage's UPBEAT band is the first acapella group for young old in Hong Kong. It was established on March 5, 2016, and currently has over 25 members with an average age of 65. The members are individuals who have a passion for music and have sought a new purpose in life after retirement. Despite most of the members not having a musical background and lacking knowledge of sheet music, they have dared to challenge themselves and unlock their potential through hard work and perseverance.

The band regularly engages with the community and has particularly focused on fostering musical exchanges with numerous young people in recent years. Through these interactions, they share their life experiences and spread positive energy through their singing voices, encouraging young individuals to strive forward.

Zense (Marathon 6/4)


Zense is an a cappella group founded in 2009. The name ‘Zense’ is originated from ‘sense’. Its pronunciation is similar to the Chinese word ‘聲’ (literally mean voice), which reflect the enthusiasm of the group in exploring the possibilities of human voices, offering new and refreshing sensation to the audience. The members of Zense also hope to connect audience with their voices and to spread harmony through harmony.

Zizizam 吱吱浸 (Marathon 6/4)

Zizizam 吱吱浸成立於2024年,是由大學生自組的香港無伴奏合唱組合,結緣於校內的一次屬會活動。「吱吱唚」是廣東話中獨有的詞𢑥,意解竊竊私語。六位成員希望能夠組一輩子的樂團,以人聲導航,從小到大,從近到遠,從「無」到有,推廣本地無伴奏合唱音樂。今日黃昏之時,正是唱歌的好時機,你我相約於這場人聲盛宴,與吱吱浸一起「buzikazi」吧!

Zizizam was established in 2024 and is a self-organized Hong Kong acappella group by university students, which was formed in a club activity on campus. “Zizizam" is a unique word in Cantonese, meaning "whispering and chitchatting". The six members hope to form a vocal band for a lifetime, to promote local A Cappella music from small to large, from near to far, from "nothing" to something, using the human voice as a guide. Today, at dusk, it's a good time to sing, so let's meet at this vocal feast and "buzikazi" with Zizizam!