leadership21 – 文化藝術組

The Sons of Pitches (UK英國)

Formed in 2010, The Sons of Pitches are a British vocal group known for their impeccable harmonies, impressive beatboxing skills, and creative covers of popular songs. Following their voyage in the Hong Kong International a cappella Festival in 2014, they rose to fame in 2015 when they became the first winners of BBC2's The Naked Choir. Since then, they have gained a large following with over three million views on YouTube and have performed at various public and private events, including for big-name clients like Microsoft and Nokia, as well as footprints over NEC Birmingham, ValeFest and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

In 2016, the group embarked on their first UK tour, which was a huge success with over 35,000 attendees and multiple sold-out shows. They have also appeared on TV shows like Sing: Ultimate A Capella and helped organize a Guinness World Record for the largest singing lesson. In Autumn 2018, the group embarked on a 20-days UK tour with their show ‘100 Number One Hits’. The Sons of Pitches attempted to hit their target of 100 legendary tracks in just one evening.

In 2019, the Sons of Pitches took their audience on a musical journey around the world with their tour "Around the World," featuring songs from various countries and languages. In 2023, they celebrated their 10th anniversary with a tour called "Best Bits," featuring fan-favorite songs from the past decade.

The Sons of Pitches是來自英國的聲樂組合,以其完美的和聲、難忘的人聲敲擊和創意翻唱而聞名。自從2014年參與香港國際無伴奏節以來,他們在2015年成為BBC2台節目《The Naked Choir》的首個冠軍,從此聲名大噪。從那時起,他們吸引了大批追隨者,在YouTube上的觀看次數超過300萬次,並在各種公共和私人活動中表演,包括為微軟和諾基亞等知名品牌客戶表演。他們的足跡遍佈NEC Birmingham、ValeFest和愛丁堡國際藝穗節等地。

2016年,樂團進行了首次英國巡演,取得了巨大成功,總共吸引了超過35,000名觀眾,每場演出都座無虛席。他們還在《Sing - Ultimate Acapella》等電視節目中展現了他們的才華,並協助組織並刷新了最大型歌唱課堂的健力士世界紀錄。2018年,他們進行了為期20場的英國巡演,並推出了《100 Number One Hits》節目,試圖在一個晚上唱出100首傳奇歌曲。

2019年,Sons of Pitches 舉辦了《環遊世界》巡演,演唱來自不同國家和語言的歌曲,帶領觀眾踏上一場世界音樂之旅。到了2023年,他們舉辦了《Best Bits》巡演,以慶祝成立10週年,其中收錄了粉絲最喜愛的歌曲。

Members 成員
Ademide Adenaike
Joe Novelli
Joseph Belham
Joseph Hinds
Joshua Mallett

Facebook: TheSOPitches
Instagram: TheSOPitches
YouTube: @TheSonsofPitchesOfficial

Beat Poetry Club (AT奧地利)

Formed in 2012, Vienna's BEAT POETRY CLUB is a standout all-female a cappella group dedicated to originality and musical excellence. Their soulful harmonies and innovative arrangements have earned them international acclaim, including the Golden Diploma at "Vokal Total" in 2015 and a Special Prize at the "German A Cappella Contest" in 2016. The group's debut album, "We Talked All Night," released in 2017, showcases their modern a cappella style supported by technical enhancements. Beyond their musical prowess, BEAT POETRY CLUB is committed to music education, offering workshops and performances in schools and social institutions. Recent accolades include a 2nd Place at the International A Cappella Award in Ulm. In 2022, they premiered their second childrens’ musical, "Das Plastikmonster." BEAT POETRY CLUB continues to captivate audiences internationally, with performances in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, and beyond. On stage these five crazy girls are "On Fire" and unleash their soul power to spread good vibes that bring the audience to shake and sing with them.

BEAT POETRY CLUB成立於2012年,是一個由全女性組成的傑出無伴奏合唱組合,致力於追求原創性和卓越的音樂水準。她們深情的和聲和創新的編曲贏得了國際讚譽,包括在2015年的「Vokal Total比賽」獲得金獎,以及在2016年的「德國無伴奏合唱大賽」獲得特別獎。樂隊於2017年發布了首張專輯《We Talked All Night》,展示了她們運用現代音樂技術創造的無伴奏合唱風格。除了展示實力之外,BEAT POETRY CLUB還致力於音樂教育,經常在學校和機構舉辦工作坊和表演。最近,她們在「烏爾姆國際無伴奏合唱獎」中獲得了第二名。在2022年,她們首演了第二部兒童音樂劇《Das Plastikmonster》。BEAT POETRY CLUB持續吸引國際觀眾,尤其在德國、奧地利、瑞士、西班牙等地活躍。在舞台上,五位瘋狂女孩全情投入,釋放靈魂的力量,營造美好的氛圍,讓觀眾隨著她們一起搖擺、一起歌唱。

Members 成員
Janoska Lilly Anna
Woegerer Ursula
Vegas-Kratochwil Mira
Braith Nina-Katharina
Janoska Juliane

Crew 工作人員
Piglmann Lisa

Facebook: Beat Poetry Club
Instagram: Beat Poetry Club
YouTube: @beatpoetryclub

Rabbit Cat (JP日本)

Rabbit Cat is a five-member a cappella group.

All five members captivate the audience with their unique voices. Their sound is so powerful that you might forget it’s all being played with human voices. The chorus work is gorgeous and the group's a cappella charm overflows with their transparent and delicate harmonies.
In the summer of 2023, they made their first TV appearance at the Japanese program "TV TOKYO MUSIC FESTIVAL.” Also, In February 2024, they won the first National A Cappella Contest “Harmonaire competition” in Japan.

They are active on social networking sites, with 300,000 subscribers to their YouTube channel, 180,000 followers on TikTok, and over 600 million total views of their content.
Their original songs are a concentration of spirited creativity. They post cover songs with ambitious interpretations, a popular "Harmonizing-Girl" corner updated daily, and many videos featuring the members full of humor. The site has gained popularity for its many entertaining a cappella contents, such as the live streaming of impromptu harmonize performances in response to viewers' requests.

Rabbit Cat是一個由五位成員組成的無伴奏合唱組合。


在2023年夏天,他們首次在日本電視節目「TV TOKYO MUSIC FESTIVAL」上亮相。此外,在2024年2月,他們在第一屆日本全國無伴奏合唱比賽Harmonaire比賽中贏得了冠軍殊榮。


Members 成員
Hatsumi Tanaka
Ken Nakamura
Miki Kuroki
Shinya Tsuiji
Yusuke Nakazawa

Crew 工作人員
Ui Nakamura

Instagram: rabica_official
YouTube: @rabica5

Senza A Cappella (HK 香港)

SENZA, formed in 2009, is a Hong Kong-based pop music group distinguished by their a cappella style and daring experiments with elements of R&B, Rock, Latin, Dance and Funk. Consisting of vocalists Calvert Fu, Dennis Tsui, King Lam, Miri Leung and Peace Lo, SENZA is on the forefront of adapting the a cappella singing tradition to the contemporary pop scene, with original songs which continue to surprise and delight audiences from both worlds.

SENZA first rose to Internet fame with its Cantonpop covers and medleys on YouTube, which have by far gained more than 8.5 million views in total.

As a homegrown music group in Hong Kong, Cantopop elements and nuanced local flavours are the blood running in SENZA’s music. The group released its debut single Circle of Fifths in 2018, and later on a full album with the same title in 2020, of which two original songs – “It’s Okay to Not Be Okay” and “Disappearing Stories” – quickly became chart-toppers in town. The critical acclaim of the album saw SENZA become the first ever a cappella group to be nominated across mainstream and independent music awards in Hong Kong (Commercial Radio, BEEHIVE and Freshmusic). Zero, SENZA’s second album, was released in January 2024.

Apart from making its own music, SENZA is often found in the local pop scene collaborating with iconic artists (including Hins Cheung, Kay Tse, Jan Lamb, Jay Fung, Jer Lau/ Ian Chan from Mirror, G.E.M., Jason Chan, Juno Mak, and C All Star); providing backing vocals for recordings; and performing in concerts (for artists including Alfred Hui, Wilson Ng, Candy Lo and Ronald Cheng) as well as major public events (including The 41st Hong Kong Film Awards, Hong Kong Asian-Pop Music Festival, and The Ultimate Song Chart Awards.)

SENZA A Cappella (SENZA)於2018年推出首支派台作品。自2009年致力推廣無伴奏合唱,以翻唱形式及原創歌曲於YouTube頻道發放的影片點擊人數超過850萬,當中每年一度大製作《年度香港音樂組曲》更廣受好評。

組合具豐富大型演出及製作經驗,例如第41屆香港電影金像獎、Chill Club頒獎禮、Music From Home 許廷鏗 x 吳林峰音樂會 2022、盧巧音時間綫音樂會、鄭中基Drive In Ultra: WEE are Ronald Cheng自駕演唱會、亞洲流行音樂節、叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮等。近期為其他歌手灌錄和音作品包括《從零開始的新世界》、《人類群星閃耀時》、《樂壇已死》等等。亦曾與歌手包括謝安琪、林海峰、柳應廷/陳卓賢@Mirror、G.E.M.鄧紫棋、陳柏宇、麥浚龍、C AllStar等合作。

直至2020年,SENZA更加憑兩首上榜派台歌《我一伸手抱住我》和《限時動態》從後樓梯走上主流音樂平台,成為香港首隊入圍叱咤歌曲獎及《我最喜愛組合》獎項的人聲樂團,同年,SENZA亦獲《2020蜂巢獎》提名【年度原創音樂獎】及【年度最佳音樂視頻獎】,為唯一一隊入圍香港組合。2021年推出首張專輯Circle of Fifths迅速售罄,專輯更入圍第15屆Freshmusic Awards《年度EP》及《最佳創作/演唱組合》。

Members 成員
King Lam 林敬浩
Peace Lo 羅朗翹
Miri Leung 梁斯沅
Dennis Tsui 徐宏駿
Calvert Fu Ka Tsun 符家浚

Facebook: senzahk
Instagram: senzahk
YouTube: @senzahk

 其他本地表演嘉賓Other Local Performers

AMuiXis (a cappella Gala 31/3)

AMuiXis (AMX) 為本地無伴奏合唱組合,積極重新演繹不同流行曲,在2023起更推出原創歌曲《枯花》,希望以純人聲為大家帶來不一樣的音樂。 AMX曾與多位本地音樂人合作,包括RubberBand、岑寧兒、吳林峰等,亦有幸參與《Ciao》紅館演唱會及於2021《Chill Club推介榜年度推介頒獎典禮》中作表演嘉賓。

將 A cappella 帶進社區,與大家分享音樂,是 AMX (A cappella Music Mix) 的名字由來。AMX 成立以來先後參演本地紀錄片《天水圍唱》,並於賽馬會《耆樂唱一鋪》、《Respiration》音樂會等不同表演中擔任嘉賓,推廣無伴奏合唱音樂。

Echogram A Cappella (a cappella Gala 31/3 and Marathon 7/4)

Established in 2017, female a cappella group Echogram manifests a wide range of characters with vitality. The four members come from different backgrounds, yet share the same passion and belief.

“Echogram” is a process of using echoes to create heart images. It symbolizes our aim to penetrate sincere voices into the hearts of audience, inducing resonance. We hope to express our inner voice through original music and rearrangement of music from different genres.

Established in July 2006, Mosaic is a premier A Cappella group based at The University of Hong Kong, comprising students from different faculties and years of study. Mosaic is the first collegiate A Cappella group in Hong Kong to organise full-scale concerts and is very active on the Hong Kong art scene, staging performances both locally and abroad. Mosaic is dedicated to the promotion of A Cappella music in Hong Kong, hence often appearing on TV, radio, shopping malls and other major events.


「Echogram」意指利用迴聲刻劃出心臟的圖像,寓意四人以真摯的歌聲穿透觀眾心靈,引發共鳴。 我們希望透過重新編曲和原創音樂,表達出內裏最真實的聲音。

LASH Vocals (a cappella Gala 31/3 and Marathon 7/4)

LASH Vocals 是來自香港的無伴奏合唱組合。「Lash」的意思解作衝擊感及撼動,團隊旨在為香港的阿卡貝拉界帶來衝擊 ,探討阿卡貝拉音樂的多元風格。

六位成員皆在大學期間參與各校阿卡貝拉團體並多次榮獲獎項。最近LASH Vocals於2023年香港無伴奏合唱比賽取得公開組亞軍及最佳和聲及2023桃園合唱藝術節阿卡貝拉大賽十強。

音樂是人類的共同語言,團隊期盼歌聲能跨越種族和文化,以Gen Z的獨特視角,給大眾傳遞年輕的愛與感動。

Mosaic (a cappella Gala 31/3 and Marathon 7/4)

Established in July 2006, Mosaic is a premier A Cappella group based at The University of Hong Kong, comprising students from different faculties and years of study. Mosaic is the first collegiate A Cappella group in Hong Kong to organise full-scale concerts and is very active on the Hong Kong art scene, staging performances both locally and abroad. Mosaic is dedicated to the promotion of A Cappella music in Hong Kong, hence often appearing on TV, radio, shopping malls and other major events.

Mosaic 是香港大學首個無伴奏合唱組合,由不同學系和年級的學生組成。自 2006 年 7 月成立以來,Mosaic 一直活躍於香港合唱界,每年於學界、社區,以至海外均經常演出。Mosaic 亦是香港首個舉辦大型音樂會的校園無伴奏合唱團體。Mosaic 的無伴奏合唱週年音樂會是每年度最大型的演出。整個音樂會的籌劃,由劇本、選曲到宣傳、出版均是成員一手包辦。Mosaic 致力於推廣無伴奏合唱音樂,於電視,電台,商場及其他盛事亦有演出,務求讓廣大觀眾認識無伴奏合唱音樂。

Saliva Music (a cappella Gala 31/3)

Saliva Music is a vocal band composed of three beatboxers and a vocal. They won the championship in the Hong Kong Acappella contest last year and is also the crew champion in the 2023 M.O.T beatbox battle.

Saliva Music 係由三個beatboxer加一個vocal 組成既vocal band 係上年既 Hong Kong Acappella contest 贏得冠軍 亦都係2023年 M.O.T beatbox battle 既crew 冠軍。

Tunatics A cappella (a cappella Gala 31/3 and Marathon 7/4)

Tunatics is a passionate acappella group formed in 2015 at HKUST (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology). With members from diverse backgrounds spanning Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Canada, and South Korea, we bring a unique blend of musical influences to our performances.

We have achieved notable success in competitions, including winning the Gold Award at the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Art Exhibition in 2018 and being crowned champions of the Mainland, Hong Kong, and Macau College A Cappella Competition in 2016, 2020, and 2021.

Our live concerts, such as "Origin" in 2017 and "Butterfly" in 2019, have captivated audiences with exceptional performances. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, we successfully held our first online concert, "Breathe," in 2021, receiving praise from the HKUST and Hong Kong A Cappella community.

With a diverse repertoire spanning popular songs, classical pieces, and original compositions, we aim to create an unforgettable musical experience that resonates on an emotional level. Whether on stage or through digital platforms, we bring skill, passion, and captivating performances to every note. Join us on a musical journey as we share our love for music and create lasting memories together at our upcoming performances.



我們在各種比賽中屢獲殊榮,包括2018年廣港澳藝術展覽金獎,以及2016、2020、2021年粵港澳大學清唱比賽冠軍。 我們還成功舉辦了三场面對面音樂會們的音樂會,吸引了超過500名觀眾,獲得了巨大的正面反饋。


UPBEAT (a cappella Gala 31/3 and Marathon 7/4)

TWGHs Engage's UPBEAT band is the first acapella group for young old in Hong Kong. It was established on March 5, 2016, and currently has over 25 members with an average age of 65. The members are individuals who have a passion for music and have sought a new purpose in life after retirement. Despite most of the members not having a musical background and lacking knowledge of sheet music, they have dared to challenge themselves and unlock their potential through hard work and perseverance.

The band regularly engages with the community and has particularly focused on fostering musical exchanges with numerous young people in recent years. Through these interactions, they share their life experiences and spread positive energy through their singing voices, encouraging young individuals to strive forward.


VSing (a cappella Gala 31/3)

VSing frequently participates in various performances and has collaborated with artists such as Jason Chan, Janice Vidal, Hins Cheung, RubberBand, Vicky Fung, Cloud Wan, On Chan, Kaho Hung, Manson Cheung, Chantel Yiu, vocal group Accent and jazz musician Patrick Lui. In January 2020, VSing was invited by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department to co-organize a large-scale sold-out concert called "Take a Bow: A Cappella" with a cappella group, Boonfaysau, at Kwai Tsing Theatre


VSing has performed overseas and in mainland China on multiple occasions/arts festivals. In early 2020, they were invited by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office to perform in eight European cities as representatives of Hong Kong. In 2021, they represented Hong Kong in the "Hong Kong Week 2021@Guangzhou" organized by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and recorded "HKPOP 2.021" with Chiu Tsang Hei and the Vicky Fung team. In 2022, they were invited to perform as representatives of Hong Kong at the International Society for the Performing Arts (ISPA) conference.

In 2023, Apollo Music received funding from the Culture, Sports, and Tourism Bureau’s Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme to launch a two-year a cappella project called "SOUND ON," which includes four major components to be held from 2023 to 2024. Hosted by VSing, the aim is to provide high-quality and diverse a cappella music experiences for local audiences and offer opportunities for the public interested in professional a cappella to enjoy live performances and interact with international groups, thereby establishing a new milestone for the development of local a cappella arts.

吾聲為本港流行音樂界中活躍的無伴奏合唱組合之一,其 1-Take。No Edits 系列廣受網民歡迎。VSing屢推出原創歌曲,包括 Hear My Voice、Hear Me Out(獲提名美國CASA「Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards」“最佳原創歌曲” )、我要得到很多,及 Sel-Fish(A Cappella Video Awards “最佳 Hip-hop/R&B 音樂錄像“)。由2023年起VSing透過藝能發展資助計劃推行為期兩年的《聲大夾樂》無伴奏合唱計劃,內容包括四大項目,旨在為本地觀眾帶來高質及多元風格的無伴奏合唱音樂體驗。

Y.YOU (a cappella Gala 31/3 and Marathon 7/4)

Y.YOU is the youth vocal band representing the Hong Kong A Cappella Academy. It was formed in 2015. Members of the group were selected through public audition each year and is coached by the founder of the academy, Jo Jo Pang. hoping to bring audience excitement through a cappella performance.

Y.YOU 為香港阿卡貝拉學院之青年清唱團,於2015年所創辦,每年通過選拔的成員可接受專業培訓,並參與本地及海外演出,以清唱形式為觀眾帶來新穎具創意的演出。團隊由亞洲無伴奏合唱領軍人之一 彭祖容 Jo Jo Pang 所創辦及指導。

Y.YOU 曾以香港代表身份到台灣《亞洲之聲音樂會 Sound of Asia Concert》演出,大獲好評。首次參與《2016香港國際無伴奏合唱比賽》即獲得「公開組(香港)冠軍」及「公開組(國際)最佳舞台演繹」獎項。曾接受ViuTV、無線電視及有線電視專訪,亦曾跟不同歌手合作,於演唱會中演出。

ACAVIVA! (Marathon 7/4)

“ACAVIVA!” (! the exclamation mark is an inseparable part !) is Hong Kong’s first and only a cappella group created for people with visual impairments. The team was officially established when Winga, founder of Forzando Foundation Limited, was managing “Project ACAVIVA! – a cappella for the Visually Impaired” in 2022. All active members are individuals with different levels of visual impairments; some joined with zero knowledge of a cappella but never stopped showing progress through dedication, commitment and team spirit. With our presence here, we hope to enlighten the spark inside everyone: “ACAVIVA!”

「ACAVIVA!」(!感嘆號為不可分割的一部份!)是香港首隊亦是唯一一隊專為視障人士而設立的無伴奏合唱隊伍。 團隊由非牟利機構 Forzando Foundation Limited 創辦人 Winga 負責,於 2022 年底籌劃項目「無伴奏合唱演出培訓『阿卡咩話?ACAVIVA!』」期間正式成立。


Backup Singers (Marathon 7/4)

“Backup Singers(BS) was formed in 2015 by a group of young people who love music. We hope to share stories through a cappella singing. We believe that music comes from life. Singing can touch people's hearts. It is the "Backup" for us in our hustle and bustle.

In terms of performance experience, recently BS participated in Senza A Cappella's song project "A Little Life", organized and performed the annual concert 2023, and participated in the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups a cappella education program school tour, and produced a cappella MV Cover Yoyo Shum "Utopia of a Moment", Terence Lam "Remember", Serrini's "Let Us Go Then You And I", etc. Now enjoy sharing Dad Jokes during Acappella practice.

Backup Singers(BS) 由一群熱愛音樂的青年於2015年組成,盼以無伴奏合唱為媒介,訴說段段故事。我們相信音樂源自生活,相信歌聲能夠觸動人心,更是你我煩囂中的「Backup」。演出經驗方面,BS近期曾應邀參與 Senza A cappella 2024年派台歌作品「一小節人生」、籌辦及演出年度音樂會2023、參與香港青年協會無伴奏合唱教育計劃學校巡迴演出 、製作無伴奏合唱MV Cover 岑寧兒 《剎那的烏托邦》、林家謙《記得》、Serrini 《Let Us Go Then You And I》等。

現時享受在合唱練習中一同分享Dad Jokes 的樂趣。

Boonfaysau (Marathon 7/4)

Boonfaysau (BFS), named after the beloved Hong Kong style barbecued pork, strives to bring performance as enjoyable as such. BFS has received various awards  and acclaims, including Overall Champion, VoiceJam Award and Best Rhythm Section in Vocal Asia 2018; Silver Diploma and the Most Musical Vocal Percussionist in 2023 vokal.total competition. In 2024, they held their first solo concert "Home-coming" in celebration of the group's 7th anniversary, welcomed by 4 full-houses and positive critics.

香港無伴奏合唱組合,熱愛將歌曲改頭換面,以期帶來耳目一新的精彩演出。組合於本地及海外屢獲殊榮,2018年代表香港奪得Vocal Asia亞洲盃全場總冠軍、美國Voice Jam藝術節VoiceJam Award,以及評審特別奬「最佳節奏組」。2023年夏,赴奧地利參加vokal.total大賽,獲得Silver Diploma及評審特別奬「最具音樂感人聲敲擊手」 。


HSUHK A Cappella Group (Marathon 7/4)

HSUHK A Cappella Group was established in 2017/18, aiming to gather the singing talents in the University.

HSUHK A Cappella Group gave their performance in University events such as the SU Annual Dinner and the Student Orientation Day. In the meantime, members are invited to lead the College Anthem and to give individual performance in University events such as the HSUHK Chinese New Year Staff Party and the HSUHK Founders’ Day. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with community partners for performance and promotion of A Cappella in Hong Kong.


Lacov@EdUHK (Marathon 7/4)

Lacov is affiliated to the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts of EdUHK, lead by Dr. Steve Ho. While specialised in jazz music, we also sing pop songs, rock and local music, etc, mainly perform in a cappella style. In the recent years, we have had the honour to perform in a number of major banquets and important occasions.

As one of the elite chorus in EdUHK, Lacov members are selected through auditions; members are creative, enthusiastic, and embrace good music ability. Lacov is dedicated to promoting jazz music, and to bring different types of music to our audiences of different ages.

Lacov EdUHK,為香港教育大學爵士合唱小組 Vocal Jazz Ensemble。 「Lacov」是由「Vocal」一字倒裝而成,藉此展現團員在音樂上有創新和活潑的取向。Lacov隸屬香港教育大學文化與意藝術學系,由何崇志博士帶領,鑽研爵士風格樂曲,亦有演唱流行音樂、 搖滾以及本地音樂等等,主要演唱形式為無伴奏合唱。近年在各大型宴會及重要場合中表演,亦於 2017年舉辦第一屆的週年表演。作為校內其中一個精英合唱小組,Lacov成員均經過面試嚴選,具創意及熱誠,並有良好音樂造詣。致力推廣爵士音樂,並期望為不同年齡的觀眾帶來不同類型的音樂。

Modearti (Marathon 7/4)

Moderati is an LGBTQ+ friendly and inclusive men’s choir with 16 singers, offering a wide variety of chamber music.

Moderati 是一隊同志友善的男聲室樂合唱團,16 位成員與音樂結伴,深耕細作,日盡不歇。

源自音樂裡的 Moderato,意指「中板」,是音樂速度的標記,團員帶著歌聲,互相砥礪,彳亍向前。

Passion (Marathon 7/4)

Hello everyone, we are Passion, the a cappella group from Heung To Middle School (TSW).

We have a strong fascination with singing and music. "Passion" means enthusiasm, representing the fiery heart that all our team members have for singing, as well as our fervor for the stage and music.

We have a total of 10 members, each with their own uniqueness, but through various practices and reflections, we have forged an extraordinary understanding amongst ourselves.



我們總共有10位團員, 各有各特別之處,但經過不同的練習與反思,造就出我們非凡的默契。

RAW (Marathon 7/4)

Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation's RAW brings together passionate young singers to create music that showcases the rich range of sounds that the unaccompanied voice can produce. They explore the art of intonation, rhythm, harmonising, blending and staging, and perform a mix of musical styles, including jazz, pop and classics. They are led by professional singing coach Astrid Lui.

RAW performs at some of Hong Kong's most exciting events, including Standard Chartered Arts in the Park and Swire Properties White Christmas Street Fair. They have collaborated with people from all walks of life and backgrounds, including the young-old a cappella group Upbeat from Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, and the Unsung Heroes choir, whose members are all part of Hong Kong's foreign domestic workers community.


RAW曾在精采的本地活動上演出,包括渣打藝趣嘉年華、太古地產白色聖誕市集,更與來自不同背景的社群合作,包括東華三院越齡年輕長者服務中心無伴奏合唱隊 Upbeat 以及由外籍家務工組成Unsung Heroes 。

Singers from the Shape of Harmony A cappella Music Project (Marathon 7/4)

“Shape of Harmony", an a cappella music project organized and produced by Boonfaysau, has brought a cappella to the local community - Kwai Tsing District in the form of workshops, master classes, and concerts. This project is where our singers' voices weave together to become one and echo throughout the wider avenues and smaller corners of our community, lighting up the lives of others! Performance will be brought to you by our phase 3 students of the project.


The Decibels (Marathon 7/4)

During COVID-19, an a cappella ensemble was founded by a group of socially distanced singers who were unable to perform with their regular choirs. Combining members from the ’Hong Kong Welsh Male Voice Choir’ together with the mixed Barbershop, chorus group ‘Signal 8’ a new group was created. Taking the initials D and B from their home village of Discovery Bay, they agreed on the new name of ‘The Decibels. Their origin in the darkest of times reminds us that music can be a beacon of light.

在新冠肺炎(COVID-19) 全球劇變期間,一小群保持社交距離的前歌手創立了一個無伴奏合唱團,他們是著名但現已解散的理髮店合唱團“信號八”,以及仍然著名且仍在進行的「香港威爾斯男聲合唱團」 」。



The Kickvoxers (Marathon 7/4)

“The Kickvoxers” was founded in 2023 winter when founder Guddy Chan invited professional solo artists, vocal coaches, and musicians to form a versatile singing group, with instruments and A Capella. The title insinuates a feeling of excitement induced by great vocal performances. The original idea of our group formation is to put strong stylistic voices together to blend and perform harmoniously. As a newly formed vocal group, we have been influenced by different music genres, such as Jazz, R&B, Pop rock, Gospel and Cantonese ballads. We aspire to arrange and sing Cantonese hits in the future to show the beauty of Cantonese music with the art of group singing. We also strive for re-inventing A Capella classic pieces originally sung by great contemporary vocal groups in history.

“The Kickvoxers” 於2023年冬天成立。創辦人Guddy Chan旨在融和 “獨唱好聲音”,邀請了一些本地專業歌手、音樂人、歌唱老師等加入隊伍。 “The Kickvoxers”希望以多元的表演形式呈現- 可與樂器演出、亦可以無伴奏演出。 “The Kickvoxers” 這個名稱的由來是希望我們的聲音能夠為聽眾帶來耳目一新的感覺。作為一隊新組成的隊伍,我們的團員都致力嘗試不同類型的音樂,例如爵士樂、節奏藍調、搖滾、當代聖詩、廣東話流行曲等等。我們除了喜愛從新演繹歷史上強勁各A Capella隊伍外,亦希望日後能夠改編廣東話大熱的流行曲,呈現廣東歌獨有的美感。

八月 24, 2017

香港起舞 ‧ 全港中學生舞蹈賽2017入圍名單

  香港起舞‧全港中學生舞蹈賽2017初賽已完滿結束,感謝各位的熱情參與,決賽將在2017年9月17日於荃新天地一期舉行,有關詳情大會於稍候通知各個入圍隊伍,以下是入圍名單,排名不分先後。 […]