青年藝術大使計劃 – 文化藝術組


西九文化區管理局夥拍香港青年協會合作呈獻青年藝術大使計劃。青年藝術大使由一群充滿活力且熱愛藝術及音樂的青年人組成,透過提供引路服務及街頭藝術表演,為西九文化區的訪客帶來充滿藝術文化氣息的愉快體驗。此外,計劃亦讓青年人有機會服務社區及發揮創意。 歡迎大家一起參與,感受各項精彩的藝術音樂表演所帶來的樂趣及不一樣的體驗!


West Kowloon Cultural District Authority partners with The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups to co-present the Youth Art Ambassador Programme, a group of youth with talents and passion in arts and music will create a joyous experience for the West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) goers with guiding service and street entertainment. Besides, it is a good opportunity for the youth to serve the community and enhance the creativity. Join us to share the joy and experience a journey of the spectacular art and music performances!

  • 日期 Date:25/3/2018 (星期日Sunday)
  • 時間 Time:12:00 – 17:00
  • 費用 Fee:全免 Free Admission
  • 地點 Venue:沿途至西九文化區 Along the route to WKCD
  • 是次活動會在天文台宣布懸掛黑色或紅色暴雨警告訊號或八號烈風信號生效時取消。個別項目或會視乎天氣情況而取消或作出調節。有關活動的最新消息,將會在此網站或文化藝術組Facebook公佈。Programme will be cancelled when a black or red rainstorm warning or a typhoon signal no. 8 or above is hoisted. Changes to individual programmes under inclement weather conditions will be announced on HKFYG Cultural Services Unit’s website and Facebook.

節目詳情 Programme details :

街頭藝術表演包括下列各項 Street entertainment including :


原音樂表演 Acoustic performance

無伴奏合唱 a cappella*

敲擊樂 Percussion *


舞蹈 Dance *

節奏口技表演Beatbox *

* 1.每小時設有兩場約5至10分鐘的表演及兩場約15分鐘的互動環節
 Each performance with 2 shows (5 – 10 minutes each) and 2 interactive sessions (around 15 minutes each) per hour
* 2.參加者會獲贈禮品乙份
 Free gifts for the participants