Acapellago (PH菲律賓)
Acapellago is a contemporary vocal ensemble from the Philippines that has captivated audiences worldwide with their powerful and organic performances. Comprised of five talented and dedicated musicians, the group has achieved numerous milestones in the competitive world of a cappella music. Their versatility and intricate harmonies have earned them top honors in prestigious international competitions such as vocal.total (Austria), Vocal Asia (Japan), CHVocal (China), Moscow Spring Festival (Russia), and competitions in Singapore.
Their exceptional talent and dedication have been recognized with numerous awards and accolades. The group recently received the prestigious SUDI award from the National Commission for Culture and the Arts, which serves as a testament to their exceptional performances and contributions to the Philippines. Additionally, they have been named "Ani ng Dangal" (Harvest of Honors) an impressive four times, further demonstrating their exceptional talent and dedication to their craft internationally. Acapellago continues to raise the bar in the a cappella world, inspiring audiences to appreciate the art of vocal music. Beyond their musical prowess, the group actively promotes Filipino pride and culture, serving as cultural ambassadors on the global stage.
Acapellago是一個來自菲律賓的人聲樂團,以其有力和自然的表演俘虜了世界各地的觀眾。該樂團由五位才華橫溢的音樂家組成,在競爭激烈的無伴奏合唱領域取得了許多重大成就。他們變化多端而複雜的和聲為他們在眾多著名的國際比賽如vokal.total(奧地利)、Vocal Asia(日本)、CHVocal(中國)、Moscow Spring Festival(俄羅斯)和新加坡的比賽等,皆贏盡了最高榮譽。
Acapellago的非凡才能和專業精神得到了眾多獎項和讚譽。他們最近獲得了國家文化和藝術委員會頒發的著名的SUDI獎,確立了他們的優秀表現和對菲律賓的貢獻。此外,他們已經四次被授予Ani ng Dangal (榮譽收穫獎),進一步證明了他們在國際舞台上展示出卓越才能和對其技藝的抱負。Acapellago將不懈地提高無伴奏合唱界的標準,激發觀眾重新再思考人聲音樂的藝術。他們除了樂於分享其音樂天賦外,更積極促進菲律賓文化,在世界舞台上擔當起文化大使之使命。
Members 成員
Almond Bolante
Bogart Laderas
Happy Laderas
Joshua Cadeliña
Michelle Pascual
Crew 工作人員
John Jose
Riva Ferrer
Facebook: acapellagofficial
Instagram: acapellagofficial
YouTube: @acapellago

Freedom's Boombox (US美國)
Freedom’s Boombox is pop vocal trio from the US formed in late-2016. With only 3 voices and no instruments, Freedom’s Boombox is built to get the most out of every musical moment. In their first year, Freedom’s Boombox rose from internet favorites to international touring trio. The band started as a collaborative music side-project, but Freedom’s Boombox gained momentum after one of their all-vocal music videos went viral. Their social presence jumped dramatically after their first album release in July 2017 as the trio brought their a cappella music to 4 continents in under 6 months. They released their 2nd album of collaborations with pop stars they’ve met around the world. In 2018, Freedom’s Boombox toured the US and abroad again to perform, teach, and promote the album.
Their mission of reaching the corners of globe with the voice has a deeper purpose. The singers, with experience as instructors, make it a point to teach music and develop hip hop, beatbox, and vocal music programs with aspiring musicians. The dream is to bring these programs to more places in an ongoing journey to provide positive activity alternatives for youth and underserved artists.
Freedom's Boombox是來自美國的流行聲樂三人組合,成立於2016年底。他們只有三把聲音,沒有樂器,為了探索音樂上每一個可能。在他們成立的第一年,Freedom's Boombox從互聯網上的寵兒搖身一變成為國際巡演的三人組。該組合源於一個協作小計劃,但在他們的一段全人聲音樂視頻走紅後,Freedom's Boombox 便發展出勢頭。在2017年7月他們的第一張專輯發行後,他們的影響力急速躍升,並火速在六個月內將他們的無伴奏合唱音樂傳遍了世界四大洲。他們發行的第二張專輯連繫著他們跟在世界各地遇到的流行歌手。在2018年,Freedom’s Boombox再次在美國和國外巡演,進行表演、教學和推廣該專輯。
Freedom’s Boombox以把人聲音樂傳達到世界每個角落為己任。他們豐富的教學經驗促使他們跟有抱負的音樂人一起發展嘻哈、beatbox和人聲項目。他們夢想把這些項目帶到更多的地方為年輕人和尚未被眷顧的藝術家提供正向活動選擇。
Alfredo Austin
J. Aaron Boykin
Richard Steighner
Facebook: freedomsboombox
Instagram: freedomsboombox
YouTube: @FreedomsBoombox

Narin (KR韓國)
“Narin” is a poetic expression of the Korean word “Nae-ri-da” (to send down), “Na-ri-da”. Narin is an a cappella group that touches people with heaven-sent like music. Narin, a group that has been recognized not only in Korea but even overseas. For many years the group made various attempts to break the stereotype of the a cappella genre and true to their name, reached the top of the a cappella genre. Narin has won in various international competitions, including the Asian Cup A Cappella Competition 2017 and 3rd place in Incheon Airport World A Cappella Competition 2017, and has secured a one of a kind reputation in the a cappella scene. By appearing in different television shows, radio programs, and festivals, Narin is leading the popularization and deconstruction of the a cappella genre.
Recently Narin has been selected for various culture and art projects building a unique identity and expertise. At the same time, the group has surpassed 400,000 YouTube subscribers and received a hot response in the social media platform and are preparing for their second prime.
Members 成員
Bang Hak Hyun
Jeong Bo In
Kim Jong Ha
Kim Ki Hong
Kim Seo Young
Crew 工作人員
Choi Hyeon Min
Kim Jae Yong
Facebook: groupnarin
Instagram: group_narin
YouTube: NarinAcappella
![[USING THIS] Pipeline Vocal Project 2021 by Hannah Kahlman - Artist Writer Photographer wwwhannahkahlmancom (13) [USING THIS] Pipeline Vocal Project 2021 by Hannah Kahlman - Artist Writer Photographer wwwhannahkahlmancom (13)](https://csu.hkfyg.org.hk/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2023/02/USING-THIS-Pipeline-Vocal-Project-2021-by-Hannah-Kahlman-Artist-Writer-Photographer-wwwhannahkahlmancom-13.jpg)
Pipeline Vocal Project (US美國)
Hailing from Alaska, Pipeline Vocal Project is a vocal trio that performs a contemporary show with a throwback vibe! Covering songs by Bruno Mars, Billie Eilish, Charlie Puth, Lizzo, Khalid, Jason Derulo, Disney, and many more. It’s fresh, energized, yet nostalgic.
Performing top hits from all eras with a unique twist! These three girls have the voices, the style and the moves. Hopping through genres and decades from start to finish, you will be entertained with clever arrangements, amazing harmonies, and a soundscape of a band coming from only three voices.
Their diverse makeup, artistic vocal arrangements and high energy performance has led them to headline the Los Angeles A Cappella Festival, become Cultural Ambassadors for the US Department of State, gain over 300K followers online and perform at the 2020 World Expo in Dubai, to name a few.
Pipeline Vocal Project是一個來自阿拉斯加的女子三人組合,精於表演具有復古氣息的現代節目。他們擅長翻唱Bruno Mars、Billie Eilish、Charlie Puth、Lizzo、Khalid、Jason Derulo、Disney等等的歌曲,既新鮮、富活力,又懷舊。
這三位女孩以特別的秘方重現各個時代的經典名曲,並以聲音、風格和台風觸動觀眾。當你欣賞她們的表演時,你會被巧妙的編曲和美妙的和聲吸引,帶領你瞬間穿越幾十年來不同的音樂流派 ― 而此迷人聲景僅由三把聲音交織而成。
Adriana Latonio
Molly Dieni
Lisa Hawkins
Facebook: pipelinevocalproject
Instagram: pipelinevocalproject
YouTube: @pipelinevocalproject
![[USING THIS] IMG_7102a [USING THIS] IMG_7102a](https://csu.hkfyg.org.hk/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2023/02/USING-THIS-IMG_7102a-200x300.jpg)
Kaichiro Kitamura 北村嘉一郎 (JP日本)
Kaichiro Kitamura (Kai) is famous as “Jazz Vocal Percussionist” in Japan. Born in 1974 and a former member of TRY-TONE, he started doing vocal percussion as a child. He can make sounds that sound just like real drumming while breathing in and out. This kind of sound is unique and can accompany both instrumental as well as choral groups. He held a vocal drumming workshop for singers at the Taiwan Choral ensemble Festival, 2007 / 2008, and in South Korea he has held numerous workshops for students during over 30 visits. He is also invited as a guest performer for recordings and at concerts. Then, he works with some great musicians such as Yoshihiko Naya, Makoto Kuriya, Noriko Satomi, Geila Zilkha, Ayumu Yahaba and Yonwoo Kim. He is now trying out vocal percussion in jazz.
And in 2009 and 2010, he was invited to 'Hong Kong A cappella festival' as the master and the guest performer. In 2015, he officially started to work with Australian A cappella group 'The Idea of North' as fifth of addition, touring around Australia, Asia, Europe and Middle East.
Kai has also been performing with Japanese male a cappella quartet 'HamojiN' and released 2 albums and toured all over Japan. You might remember HamojiN had a show in Hong Kong in 2015.
Kai has been working for “Vocal Asia” as former-Japanese Representative for 11 years, and now in 2020, he was converted to “Artistic Adviser”.
北村嘉一郎(Kai)在日本以「爵士人聲敲擊樂手」聞名。Kai出生於1974年,從小就以人聲敲擊為樂,並曾擔任TRY-TONE成員。他獨特的吸氣和呼氣敲擊法聽起來像真正的鼓一樣,甚至可以分別為樂隊和人聲樂團伴奏。他在 2007 / 2008台灣國際重唱藝術節上為一眾歌者舉辦聲樂擊鼓工作坊,並三十多次到訪韓國為學生舉辦了眾多工作坊。他還多次被邀請在唱片和音樂會獻技。他亦與一些著名的音樂家合作,如 Yoshihiko Naya、Makoto Kuriya、Noriko Satomi、Geila Zilkha、Ayumu Yahaba和 Yonwoo Kim等等。他現正鑽研爵士樂中的人聲敲擊。
Kai分別在2009年和2010年以大師和嘉賓身份受邀參加香港國際無伴奏合唱節。而在2015年,他亦正式加盟澳洲無伴奏組合The Idea of North,並在澳洲、亞洲、歐洲和中東巡演。
Kai曾在Vocal Asia出任日本代表十一年之久,並在2020年轉任「藝術顧問」一職。
Facebook: Kaichiro Kitamura 北村嘉一郎
Intagram: kaichiro_kitamura

Boonfaysau 半肥瘦 (HK香港)
Boonfaysau (BFS) is an award-winning, fully fledged A Cappella team from Hong Kong. Literally named after Hongkonger’s favourite "half fat and half lean" barbecued pork, the group strives to bring to life exciting renditions of your favourite songs with vocal cords that brave the frontiers of various musical genres.
Boonfaysau has received acclaim from the wider A Cappella circle, most notably claiming the overall First Prize, the VoiceJam Award and the Special Award for Best Rhythm Section at the Vocal Asia A Cappella Competition 2018. BFS has also performed internationally and locally, including touring in 5 cities across the United States upon invitation from Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in San Francisco, as performing guest at Taoyuan Vocal Festival (TW), and having their first sold-out concert "Take A Bow: A Cappella", presented by Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Service Department.
In the process, Boonfaysau never cease to bring their unique sound to every place and every audience they met. Hope you enjoy BFS singing as much as you enjoy the flavourful cuisine “boonfaysau”!
半肥瘦為來自香港的無伴奏合唱組合,熱愛將歌曲改頭換面,揉合不同音樂風格,⼒求為⼤家帶來耳目一新的精彩演出。組合活躍於本地及國際無伴奏合唱界,屢次奪得本地及海外奬項,包括2018年Vocal Asia亞洲盃阿卡貝拉大賽全場總冠軍、評審特別奬「最佳節奏組」,以及美國Voice Jam藝術節VoiceJam Award。組合亦多次獲邀於香港本土、台灣、美國等地擔任表演嘉賓及進行巡演,疫情期間通過全息投影技術於香港為身處東京及首爾的觀眾呈獻現場演出。2020年初,半肥瘦舉行了由康樂文化事務署主辦的《隆重登唱》無伴奏合唱音樂會,全院滿座! 團員們期望他們的音樂跟半肥瘦叉燒一樣,越咀嚼越回味無窮,讓各位聽眾將半肥瘦的音樂列為最喜愛的招牌菜。
Members 成員
Rocky Au 區德豪
Sam Ng 吳朗琛
Stephanie Ng 吳諾文
Vivian Ng 吳穎雯
Yuki Siu 邵泳杅
Andrew Wong 黃文政
Tiffany Wong 王熙雯
Stephanie Wu 胡嘉瑤
Facebook: bfsacappella
Instagram: boonfaysau
YouTube: @Boonfaysau
![_MG_9453[1] _MG_9453[1]](https://csu.hkfyg.org.hk/wp-content/uploads/sites/85/2023/02/MG_94531.jpg)
VSing 吾聲 (HK香港)
VSing is a 6-member professional local a cappella group. Known for their imaginative and intricate musical arrangements, as well as their versatility across musical genres, VSing emerges as a fresh and exciting new voice in the growing Hong Kong a cappella scene, and the general Hong Kong music scene at large.
Since its formation in 2017, VSing has gained media attention from multiple fronts, and boasted a strong social media presence with regular video releases. It was invited to perform several times in regional and international music events, as Hong Kong’s represetnative. VSing has also performed in cities including Dubai, Serbia, various cities in Mainland China and, the group also was invited by the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices to perform in a 9-city tour around Europe.
In September 2020, VSing released its first original song/MV《Hear My Voice》. Garnering much positive reviews. Its second original song/MV 《Hear Me out》was released in December 2022 and landed on the chart of both Viu TV Chill Club and Metro Radio.
VSing (吾聲)無伴奏合唱組合,為本港流行音樂界中活躍的無伴奏合唱組合之一,由專業音樂人在2017年組成,為香港帶來充滿活力、新鮮感及高質素的無伴奏合唱音樂。VSing取其中文名為「吾聲」,突顯了無伴奏音樂只用人聲的特點,發掘更多由人聲製造音樂的可能性。
VSing擅長改編流行曲,其《1-Take。No Edits》視頻系列,現場錄音錄影,不經剪接,廣受網民歡迎;2018年被選為1563 at the East的7月「矚目音樂演出者」,同年10月在台灣「國際藝術重唱節:世界盃現代阿卡貝拉大賽」榮獲金獎,2020年開始推出原創歌曲。
VSing於2020年九月,推出了原創歌曲及MV《Hear My Voice》,曾於新城勁爆本地榜上榜。其後於2022年推出第二首原創歌曲及MV《Hear Me Out》,再度在新城勁爆本地榜和Chill Club推介榜上榜。
Members 成員
Vincent Cheung 張翺揚
Alan Chu 朱廣龍
Justin CT Lau 劉家卓(雞腳)
Sharon Lee 李昊嘉
Anna Lo 盧宜均
Gilbert Wong 黃浩進
Facebook: VSingofficial
Instagram: vsingofficial
YouTube: @vsingofficial